Tuesday, December 05, 2006


Well thanks Caleb... and Lana... both of you are sweeties. Im just sad people cant really accept a couple thats polyamorous as something that is normal. Society has really turned the world in to a bunch of prudes. between two consenting adults it should make no difference... but in truth i knew this aspect of the book was not going to be popular. But to change it would be to deny what fallon is and who he is.

But I digress.

Seems that naughty Djinn Marsh has got a hold of Ms. Stella and is holding her hostage until her and the lovely Audra finish his next book. Im proud of him though, they are a litle past 14k and theres still no sex. its disturbing really but who am i to say anything. I just hope he lets them go soon... Casha and Faris are ready to play and show the world why they are the hottest couple this side of the afterverse....


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